
Friday, June 26, 2020

Save academic year

Learn to do things against odds

Do not waste students academic year.

Why cancel exams or classes and to extreme bad of declaring it zero year?

So many safe options are there to keep things moving:

- Class 10th and 12th

These need special attention as they decide future. While other classes class 1 to 9 and 11 can be online / radio / TV / CD, class 10 and 12 can be done in school with special precautions like small batches say of 10 students with sitting at distance, no interaction among students, no assembly no canteen, own food and water, toilet precautions etc.

- Online Classes

There should be centralized CBSE Online Classes. CBSE can create own or tie up with online institutions to deliver classes. These can be both web based and app based. There must be recording of classes which can be seen later. Government must provide

- TV Classes

Like online classes this can be done on TV telecast by a special channel as well as Doordarshan

- Radio Classes

For those who have no access to online / tv classes this can be done on radio

Radio should be distributed free of cost to students who can not attend online or tv classes

- CD / Pen Drive

Classes can be sent to student on CD or Pen Drive

- Exams

No need to cancel exams. Exams can be done in many ways

- Online test
- MCQ test
- Viva Test on phone
- In Centre test with sanitization and spacing
- Spread out test over time

Time is precious. Government should make sure not to waste any of it.

We need to face situation and remain a winner.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Revive Industry

Industries are closed so is business. That will doom economy.

We must act quick to revive industry.

- Labors gone home so industries closed
- Low demand
- Poor liquidity with industry

This is time for major decision and that is only one

Print Money

Only solution at hand is to print money

- Give easy loan to industry specially to buy raw material and pay wages.

- Most important is to bring labor back to industry. For that government must do following

- assure no more lockdown

- give incentive to labor if they come back to work

- working labor should be protected for medical expenses

Act quick. Closed industries will prove disaster for nation.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Save industry from collapse

CoVid19 is causing health problems, it is also causing severe economic problems.

Time to change strategy

- Open everything including entertainment keeping precautions and sanitization

- Laborers are precious. Learn to respect laborers. Do not do use and throw with them.

- Pledge never to lockdown again

- Be proactive and remain ready for diseases and disasters. Quick shift hospitals and medical staff must be ready.

- Prefer local laborers

- Provide basic needs to laborers house, ration, school etc near industry and business zones

Let the nation roll again

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Time to face it

World can not be kept under lock for too long. We need to open otherwise it will kill more by poverty than disease itself

It is time to face it. If it remains under lock for too long, it may lead to unrest and chaos. It would be better to open with guidelines and advisory

- Let business, industry and other work open

- Entertainment fields may remain closed for another 3 months

- Allow only essential gatherings with precautions

- Let precautions be mandatory like masks, sanitization, social distancing etc

- Issue health advisory about seriousness of disease. People can move out at own risk. Staying at home is advisable but not mandatory

- Those at risk should be protected more

- Only serious patients should be admitted in hospital

- Promote online studying and working, digital payments as much as possible

- Promote immunity enhancers like yoga, homeopathy, ayurveda etc

Decision is tough but is necessary for the world

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Corona Lesson

There are always lessons in disaster and CoViD19 teaching big ones

We should be prepared. This is not the first epidemic or pandemic. And not the last. So why we are not getting 'ready' for it. Why do we have to wait till it spreads all over then we need huge steps.

We have epidemic research centers. They should be on alert always and warn government to take early enough measures. Better to stop infection reach.

- Stop international flights at earliest possible after epidemic break

- Do strict and thorough checks of passengers

- Develop Q City on some island. It should have all facilities, hotels, hospitals to accommodate incoming passengers for about 15 days to a month.   All flights should first reach Q City, passengers must remain in quarantine and when confirmed negative then allowed to enter main land.

- Information about preventive steps should be spread and taught to everyone

- Information about epidemics and how to prevent spread must be taught to every school child

- Steps of lockdown and easing lockdown must be well defined and applied properly to avoid panic and confusion

- Every citizen especially middle and lower class must have bank account linked insurance. In case person get affected by sickness his or her family living expenses can be taken care

- Labs must be ready to develop and produce testing kits in bulk

- Be ready with stuff like sanitization equipment, PPE etc

The better prepared we are, safer we will be.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Defeating Corona Virus Disease

World is facing this big challenge and so is our nation. We need a well planned strategy to defeat this disease and come out stronger.

Yes, We Can.

Some points to follow

1. Health
Most of the points are well circulated but needs to be systematically followed

- Most important is to find those infected at earliest, isolate them, confirm by test and treat earliest
- Screen people to check spread specially those vulnerable
- Keep spreading vital information
- Lockdown and Social Distancing
- isolate every state city village and locality to prevent spread
- Sanitize places and home including belongings as much possible
- mask where required
- hand washing
- use weaker hand for work
- make and distribute paper gloves or other biodegradable gloves

2. Personal

- Maintain personal hygeine
- Keep immunity good
- Eat healthy diet and keep drinking water
- Exercise regularly including yoga and pranayam
- Take warm drinks and soup
- Make good use of ayurveda and herbs ( giloy, basil, neem etc)
- Make good use of homeopathy and distribute free Influenzinum 1m and Arsenic Album 200
(Dose Influenzinum 1m once a week and Arsenic Album 200 once a day regularly till this disease exist)

In such times herbs and homeopathy are not for replacing main line treatment but should be used as additional support in both prevention and treatment. This will reduce both morbidity and mortality (disease and death). This single step can prove winning factor)

3. Life necessities
As this may be long term battle we need to fight on this front too

- Ensure sufficient supply of grocery, food stuff, milk vegetables, medicines
- Release phone no / whatsapp / app for home delivery of all these stuffs
- Make use of NGO and RWA in this
- Financial help and free distribution of food to daily wage earners and other under privileged section of society
- Home cash delivery by banks even for those who do not have online banking
- Stop all loan EMI till things become normal
- Suspend house rent of all those staying on rent

4. SOS

During such times many people will have peculiar but urgent problem. Many people are living alone or they are in such state who can not look after them self in such lockdown state. There must be some well trained NGO properly sanitized reaching such people and helping them. There should be SOS Phone Number. RWA must also play active role in this.

We can win this battle and we will win.  God Bless India God Bless The World.