
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mere laws will not stop rapes

We have seen and said earlier

It is time for action. Let us act now decisively to eliminate Crime against Women and make India a safe place for women. It must be comprehensive and collective action.

As first step towards the goal of security for women in India, let us create a ‘Federation for Women’s Security’.


1.      It is open to all citizens of India. Any citizen of India can join, give suggestions, offer self as volunteer or support system. You may contribute time and effort while living your life as usual.
2.      Prominent people who have worked good in the field of Women’s security will be nominated as office bearers. Such people are invited to join and start the process of ‘Change’.
3.      People will participate through online suggestions and referendums.
4.      Action plan will be formulated and will work through volunteers.
5.      There will be following sections to eliminate such crimes completely:

-          Research Section – This will study data to look for reasons why do men rape and suggest appropriate action to prevent. This will also study steps taken by other countries which have proved successful.
-          Political Section – This will coordinate with the government to work towards consensus for better laws and administrative changes.
-          Legal Section – This will coordinate the implementation of laws like presence of women police in police station. This will also see no woman is alone, gets legal support, there is quick registration of case and justice is delivered. This will also make sure that such laws are not abused.
-          Reform Section – This will work on reforms of early offenders to prevent bigger crimes. Also this will work towards social reform to change the mindset of society. This can include moral education and sex education in schools, offices and localities.
-          SOS Section – This will work as quick assistance through SOS to women in possible threat. Technology can play a big role in this.
-          Vigilance Section – This will work to step up security without a dip ever to make sure there are least possible ‘risk zones’. In this too technology will play a crucial role.

6.      Some of the points to consider can be:
-        Society has to become vigilant and remain so without a blink
-        Effective laws and speedy trials of offenses
-        Effective security at public places and public transport
-        Making girls and women aware about threats and skills to avoid these
-        Collective voice against eve teasing and sexual crimes, women must speak up strongly if they face any such thing
-        Sex education and Moral values education in schools
-        Giving opportunity to people to sublime sexual energies in constructive manner
-        Identify offenders in bud and involve them in personality correction programs
-        Stop 'selling' sex in media, movies etc

Fight against rape must work on three levels:
1. Change - Change the mindset of rapist.
2. Control  - Control the crime
3. Save     -  Save the girl or woman from becoming a victim

Spread the message to everyone. It is time for decisive action against Crime Against Women.

Time to act mature


Is this how a country must function? Why is it becoming necessary to go through this route for every issue ? Do not underestimate the danger of rising anger, frustration, hopelessness and disorder.

People have their concerns. They want some changes which are good for everyone. They are not on road for any personal gain. And the government is also there for the welfare of the people of India. Then what is lacking? 

There are two major reasons:

1.      Deficiency in the system and lack of up gradation in it with changing times.
2.      Lack of active participation of people in governance

The only possible solution is:

Proactive Participatory Governance

The time has come to create a system which includes:
-          Proactive identification and assessment of people’s needs and concerns from village level to national level.
-          Good use of collective opinion of experts in respective fields
-          Suggestions and Referendums to make sure that people direct the course of change.

The benefit of this will be:

-          This will prove governance by the people and for the people.
-          People will be able to convey their concerns peacefully without any need of agitation or conflict.
-          People will be able to give suggestions and direct the course of change collectively and constructively in appropriate direction.
-          The atmosphere will become positive as people will feel and get empowered.

Eliminate the evils of superstition

Every right minded person will and has condemned the killing of Dr Dabholkar. It is sad and unfortunate that a man who was working for welfare of society is killed in this manner. It is even more sad and unfortunate that in the ‘21st century’ it is required to agitate and make laws to eliminate the evils of superstition from the society. Today when science has made remarkable progress and has helped mankind to live good life, there are some elements who are giving a bad name to the society.

Try to see carefully.
            It is not a fight between faith and blind faith. 
-     It is not a fight between science and supernatural
-          It is not a problem of less developed or less educated people. Even educated people living in big cities use these methods in one form or other.

The root cause behind superstitions is selfish interest. Those practicing superstitions know very well that it does not help in any manner. There are many reasons why it is still prevalent.

Those practicing:
1.       For some it helps in earning money either directly or indirectly.
2.       Some do it for popularity or power.
3.       Some actually and wishfully ‘believe’ in it.

Those receiving or taking part:
1.       Some are forced to
2.       Some because of hopelessness looking for ‘results’
3.       Some actually and wishfully ‘believe’ in it.

What is faith and what is blind faith. It is very subjective and varies from person to person. The question how to decide about faith and blind faith, what should be done and how it should be addressed needs careful understanding and discretion.  

For real change it must be dealt at social level.

But in principle following must be accepted by everyone without objection. Any law against superstition must be focus on:
-          Any practice should not be forced on others.
-          It should not harm anyone physically, emotionally or socially.
-          It should not be publicized in any form and there should be no supernatural claim.

It is more important to promote scientific, rational and logic based thinking which will help people in living a sensible life. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let this be a true Independence Day

Let it not be a mere formality. Let it not be just another holiday. Come let us make it a true Independence Day.

Let us resolve to :

- Be free from communalism, regionalism, casteism
- Be free from corruption and crimes
- Be free from poverty, illiteracy, uncleanliness
- Be free from greed and selfishness
- Be free from lethargy and cowardice

Let our hearts beat in sync for INDIA.

Let us all resolve on this day to create

A Modern United Glorified India

Happy Independence Day to all brothers and sisters, the people of India.

Jai Hind.

Sacrifice will be remembered

Before we celebrate this Independence Day, remember, salute and resolve to unite for those soldiers who sacrificed their lives on border.

People of India neither have short memory nor they are ungrateful. We remember and honor all those who have sacrificed their lives for the country. This includes both before and after independence.

India has always honored peace and done everything possible to let other countries live happily in peace. But sometimes probably this is overdone and taken as weakness by others which is reflected in their shameless arrogant behavior.

This can not continue. This must stop. Time has come for appropriate reply so that they understand the importance of peace. The responsibility of peace does not rest solely on India, it is theirs too. They must decide clearly that they want friendly relations with India or not. And we will not judge by words or token gestures but by real attitude seen in deeds.

And for this few things we need to do :

- Discuss and resolve any difference of opinion in how to deal with such incidents.
- Do not let go soldier's sacrifice in vain. Make those, who did such cowardly inhuman acts, feel the hurt in time bound appropriate manner.
- People of India must come together to shame such offenders of humanity.

We the people of India are accountable to those small children who lost their father, to those women who lost their husband and to those elders who lost their child. Every moment they are asking us what we have done. We owe them answer.

Let the soldier within us rise and stand firm for the families of those who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Happy Independence Day to all brothers and sisters, the people of India.

Jai Hind.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time to act tough

This is not the first time our soldiers are killed. We must put an end to this.

Refer to May 2013 post.

Learn to deal with neighborhood
Time and again India has suffered from its neighboring countries. Some call it over goodness others call it lack of ability or will to deal with such cases. True that we must have friendly relations with neighbors but at the same time we must see that we are able to protect our dignity. There are few facts which has led to situation today.

1. India has remain and will always remain on path of fairness and justice. It can not behave in unruly manner which others often do.

2. The surrounding countries are sadly unruly. Some call them self great power but try to grab land, some behead soldiers and kill prisoners and feel great achievement in that, some kill own people in the form of genocide and so on.  Humanity, fairness, peaceful coexistence these words are probably alien to them.

3. Our response in such instances is either lacking effectiveness or is emotional outburst.

Time has come that we must stop this. Our tolerance should not be taken for granted. And that will happen if we develop effective response to such incidents so that these are not repeated.

Some steps can be

- These countries must be conveyed that good relations with India are in their own interest as well. They can not continue to misbehave and hurt people of India and get away with that. All these incidents will be remembered and will boomerang on them. The law of natural justice will follow.
- We must develop time bound result oriented effective steps. These should not be mere discussions. These steps should correspond well with the incident to convey right message. These must be graded to make sure that the required result is achieved.
- We must develop strong vigilance and quick counter attack mechanism to make sure that such incidents are not repeated again.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Are you angry and frustrated too?

- Rising rape cases
- Mid day meal tragedy
- Disaster in Uttarakhand
- Mismanagement of BCCI
- Suspension of  IAS Officer Durga Shakti Nagpal
   And so on…

Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Forget blaming or preaching. We must learn to conduct our self.

People are angry; they are crusading against corruption and power game. This is good for the country. There is unanimous feeling that corruption is bad for the country and must be fought. There must be an environment of honesty, fairness and justice.  Everyone agrees. 

But think about this.

Why it is so difficult to achieve?  Is it only because of politicians? Is it right to only indulge in debates and blames? 

Where are the results?

Be it rape cases and other crimes, corruption, disaster mismanagement, poor mid day meals etc, the results are not there. 

Do we really wish to create India which is :

-       Free from corruption and unjust use of power
-       Where people specially children, women and elderly are safe
-       Where there is peace, harmony, happiness and meaningful development.
-       Where people and society ranks high in quality and efficiency

If yes, then the only way is what Mahatma Gandhi told us. 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Forget blaming or preaching. We must learn to conduct our self.

There are three steps to create Glorified India

-       Get light to fight darkness. You can not throw out darkness. You will never succeed. Everyone wants to fight darkness but forgets that simplest way is to switch on light. There is too much heat on problems but too less action towards solutions. United, positive, result oriented action is needed. Work together to create a better system. 

-       Generate quality within. We must check our self and pledge to be honest, fair and just in our life. There can not be corruption and misuse of power outside in society if we do not allow it within our self.

-       Value qualities not money or power. Why do people become corrupt? Because it gives them edge over others. Otherwise even they know they will not live 1000 years just because they have huge money. Because of money they feel they are ‘BETTER’ than others. This is the kind of society we have created. We have set wrong priorities. Stop giving undue importance to money. Value qualities and create ‘POWER OF QUALITIES’.

Mahatma Gandhi had no money but he is the most powerful person India has ever seen.   

So what are we waiting for ????? Do not wait for others to change, be the change yourself. 

Life Coaching should be must in India

Time has come for Life Coaching in schools.

Education is important part of every human beings life and rightly so. But another kind of education is very important which should now be included in a systematic manner in school education and that is Life Coaching.

Mere achieving university degrees do not make a successful human being. People may get job, earn money but do not know how to manage life. They just become part of rat race and live an unhappy life. Result is rising frustration and stress in today’s population. In addition there are other problems of life like relationship problems, social problems, under achievement, sexual problems, addictions, crimes. In fact if one see closely all the problems faced by society are due to two major reasons

1.     Poor personality development
2.     Poor life management

This is where a properly designed program of LIFE COACHING can help people and society. This can include personality development and sex education as well. One such program can be:

Life skill Development Program

1.     Self Management
- Self Identity & Vision
- Holistic Personality
- Attitude and Values
- Self care & Grooming
- Etiquettes n Manners
2.     Health Management
Including  Sex education
3.     Stress Management
4.     Time Management
5.     Decision Making
6.     Problem Solving
7.     Relationship Management
8.     Creativity & Aesthetics
9.     Rights and Duties
10.  Study Skills