
Monday, December 30, 2013

Sobriety in media and movies

It was sad to see Farooq Sheikh go. This is a big loss to nation and entire humanity. There are very few examples today who can match his sobriety and humanity. He performed with dignity and a very high degree of development of human emotions. Today's life is getting more and more deprived of such emotions. It is very rare to see true human emotions in cinema today which is now focusing more on xyz crore club. Emotions if at all displayed, looks fake. This lack of human emotions in life exactly is the reason we see frustration and negativity in society.

It is commonly said that film industry is all about business and it is not their responsibility to give any social message. This is where people like Farooq Sheikh gave how it should be. True it is work and business even then it can be done in a way that it helps society in human development be it emotions, art, culture and other human aspects. After all we all know the impact of media and especially celebrities like cine stars who can do wonders for the society. Cinema reflects but it also affects mindset of people.

The overall grace and sobriety in cinema must be held high. People in industry must realize that they owe a lot to society and must feel motivated to think beyond money and think about good cinema and human development both on screen and off screen that can boost art, culture, sobriety and other positive human aspects in society.

Time to wake up the sober human being within.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nation's task

India can not and should not wait for another 100 years to eliminate evils of society.

World is moving ahead fast. India can not afford to let social evils harm its culture and spirit any further. This will affect the growth of India in a bad way. See for example how evils like communalism, regionalism, naxalism, corruption, crime against women, child labor, drug addiction, illiteracy and others are hurting. India can not rise high till these and other such are tackled. These are proving big barriers in development.

No doubt that many people are working day and night to make India a better place but that is not sufficient. India has huge population and problems are enormous. Piecemeal approach can only make small changes and can generate awards but no real change. Country has witnessed that in case of anti rape law. There was agitation, there is new law but still we have same bad stories day and night. We need much more organized and coordinated effort. Otherwise inspite of efforts the problems will continue to be there and will infact prove as bad damaging factor in development story of India.

We need to set our target of Modern Developed Glorified India not as something to happen in 100 years but something to happen in 10 - 15 years. This is not impossible if we make well coordinated organized effort on high intensity level. Different NGO's working as separate units is a waste of precious resources be it human effort, time, money etc. All honest, hard working, intelligent and wise people must coordinate their efforts in fighting such evils.

It's time to set and work on Nation's Tasks.

1. Identify evils
2. Design a nationwide time bound strategy
3. Coordinated effort and action
4. Followup

 How to do.

Divide every task into following:
1. Short term or immediate goals
2. Mid term goals
3. Long term goals

Some of Nation's Task are:

1. Communalism and casteism
2. Regionalism
3. Naxalism
4. Terrorism
5. Corruption
6. Crimes especially crime against children and women
7. Child labor
8. Drug addiction
9. Illiteracy
10. Poverty
11. Food adulteration
12. Duplicate medicines
13. Unaffordable healthcare
14. Pollution
others can be included

But one task that is above all other tasks is this.

No one in country should suffer or die due to lack of food, water, shelter, warm clothing and essential medical care. Nothing can be more shameful for a country to let people die for lack of these like that is happening with riot victims or those who live on streets.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lokpal Bill

Everyone in India agree that corruption must be eliminated. It is causing big harm to entire nation. People are making effort in their own capacity to make things better. One such attempt is Lokpal Bill. There are two kinds of debates going on.

Is this Lokpal good?

Who should get credit for it?

Lokpal is good or not will be decided by time. If it eliminates corruption, then it is good otherwise not. A year or two will make this clear.

And who should take credit for it? No one. When someone do something for nation, it is not for credit or fame. A man in service of nation must first give up selfishness, ego and desires. Like Mahatma Gandhi. Did he ask for any credit for what he did for Independence and other big changes in society? If he did not then no one has any right to seek any credit for anything done. It is for people to judge and time to decide. Infact this is the real test. A real person in service of nation will never seek credit either directly or through supporters.

And how to remove corruption? Strong Lokpal and other such laws for not only government servants but entire population. Be it a serviceman, businessman, professional or any other person.

-  Target zero corruption and zero black money.
-  Stop 500 and 1000 Rupee notes.
-  Create online databank of all real estate properties, lockers, shares, credit card, bank account etc to eliminate benami or black transactions. Every single property, locker, credit card, bank account and share must have PAN No associated, let people claim them through self disclosure. All unclaimed properties, lockers, shares, credit card, bank account must be frozen and finally confiscated and go to government.  
-  Any private business owner or professional or service provider with giving fake or no receipt must be penalized.

How to stop sexual crimes like rape

People of Delhi can probably recall case of Sanjay and Geeta Chopra. The two, Ranga Billa in that case were caught for various crimes and were hanged. But that did not change anything. Years have passed. It has gone from bad to worse. Let there be as many new laws but nothing will change. Laws cannot control mind. People find way out.

What should be done to control such things? TV debates will certainly not stop all this.

It has to be comprehensive restructuring of system to put discipline in place. Some of the steps can be:

- Society has to adopt zero tolerance to crime against women, become vigilant and remain so without a blink
- Effective laws and speedy trials of offenses
- Effective security at public places and public transport
- Making girls and women aware about threats and skills to avoid these
- Collective voice against eve teasing and sexual crimes, women must speak up strongly if they face any such thing
- Sex education and Moral values education in schools
- Giving opportunity to people to sublime sexual energies in constructive manner
- Identify offenders in bud and involve them in personality correction programs
- Stop 'selling' sex in media, movies etc
- And most important is to have 'Federation for Women' as given in the Swaraj Model. Such federation should be active, alert and effective.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Human rights of LGBT in India

Unfortunate, unfair and regressive.

Even today it is so difficult to understand that why human rights are denied to some when it is established that their orientation is not unnatural?

Why law makers are not taking a clear and correct stand on this?

This will put a large number of people under big stress and will hurt them socially, psychologically and in other aspects. When all medical authorities have concluded that such orientations are not abnormal or unnatural, then how can this be termed as crime.

Now law makers must immediately amend the law if we actually care for human rights. How long we will keep talking big about humanity and act otherwise???