
Friday, March 28, 2014

Vote for nation

Feeling bad about problems nation is going through? And of course it hurts your life as well.

You feel bad when some people talk about your nation in derogatory language. You know how your nation is suffering from poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, crimes, terrorism, corruption and so on.

And you know that most of the politicians are there not to serve nation but only for selfish interest.

Can you do something about it?    Yes you can, in fact only YOU can.

Vote. Vote for sure.

Do not skip voting. It is not a holiday but the most important day to determine your future life.

Vote for orderly, secure and progressive nation.

Vote cautiously because your vote will decide path of nation.

Caution:  Do not get fooled by:

- Slogans : They serve nothing.
- False claims : Statistics can be manipulated.
- False promises : There is no assurance to fulfill.
- What media is showing : Media has lost credibility.

Strict no to tainted:
Make sure that whom you vote for is not tainted by charges of corruption, crime or even bad social behavior. You must doubt intention of political parties giving you such candidates. Because if a party and its leadership is clean in its intentions then why they can not find honest and sincere candidates. Only clean people must reach sacred houses of democracy. Otherwise never expect any positive change in nation and your life.

If you care about nation and your own betterment, then do not vote on the basis of:
- region
- caste
- religion
- vote in return of favor
- vote for money or stuff like liqor
- vote against a person or party
- vote for a person or party

Herd Mentality

Also do not vote with herd mentality with closed mind. Do not vote for a person or party just because others around are voting for him or her or a particular party. You have your own brain and you must use it. Most evils of society are due to this herd mentality and lack of use of brain by citizens. So do not be a brainless person.

Unfortunately all these voting patterns are against the concept of sensible voting and only cause harm to nation.

Sensible voting
Only way a nation can become better is when people consider issues important for nation and vote only for good candidates. It is only when we send honest and sincere candidates in constitutional houses then our nation will become a good place to live.

So what should you consider?

Consider what ails our nation and society?

- Corruption. Not only drains money, this is the mother of all other evils.
- Poverty
- Inflation
- Illiteracy
- Casteism and Communalism
- Malnutrition
- Terrorism and Naxalism
- Crimes
- Addictions
- Adulteration of food and medicines
- Lack of growth and development
- Lack of jobs
- Damage to environment

Get authentic facts
Now consider the profile of candidate of your area. What has he or she done for these issues? Has he or she done real work in social life? What is the actual track record of party he or she belongs to when it comes to these issues? Do not go by claims or promises but judge the track record of both candidates and party by facts and deeds. It is better to reject all parties or vote for some honest independent candidate than voting for lesser evil.

No political party or leader can do anything for nation if houses of democracy are full of people with doubtful records and intentions. It is your duty to send honest and sincere people to these houses. So understand the responsibility towards your nation and vote sensibly.

Are you voting for a secure and glorified India?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Take the pledge on Shaheed Divas

Stop pretending.   Enough is enough.

They sacrificed everything for nation. But what has nation done in return. Pure symbolism that too in selfish interest.

Just pretending. Singing songs of nationalism, offering flowers. But what about deeds. They made highest sacrifice for sake of nation and its people. What are we doing to nation? How people of India are being treated?

People are suffering due to poverty, hunger, lack of healthcare and other basic necessities. They suffer and die in pain. Think and feel about them and their pain. Are we making enough effort with true sincerity. Are we honest in our approach? We need to work at rapid pace and for that we all need to shed selfish interest, dishonesty and work hard. Take the pledge now and start working.

The Pledge of Nationalism

That would be real homage to martyrs.

Class of citizen

What is your class as a citizen?

1. Wise and Sincere Class - One who is sincere and loyal to nation, keeps self interest under check, think and decide sensibly in higher national interest.
2. Apathy Class - One who is least bothered about nation and live a life of self gratification.
3. Herd Class - One who is clueless, who can not apply brain and will get easily driven by media (print, electronic or internet social media) or by what others tell you.
4. Selfish Class -  One who only thinks about self and do anything or everything in selfish interest even if it harms nation.

History tells that nation building is never done by governments, it is done by citizens of nation. Are we not responsible for the miserable condition India is in today?

Nation is as good as its citizens. Are we keen and ready to make India No 1 ?

Choose to be Class or Crass !

Who cares for poor people

Such is the state:

About 32% of people below 1.25 $ or about 75 Rs / day or about Rs 2250 / month
About 68% of people below 2 $ or about 120 Rs / day or about Rs 3600 / month
About 97% of people below 5 $ or about 300 Rs / day or about Rs 9000 / month

And the result:

People suffer miserably with lack of food, water, education, healthcare, proper house, sanitation. They suffer from malnutrition, diseases, illiteracy and lack of basic amenities. A miserable life pushing them towards either crimes or suicide.

Are these not human beings? 

What is nation doing? Where are the caretakers ? where are the four pillars of democracy?

And this is true under governance of all political parties so it is not a question of who is better. This is national problem and everyone one feel the urgency to work on this.

Why it is so difficult to eradicate poverty. If the caretakers work wisely and sincerely then it is possible to eradicate poverty in a period few years.

It needs following :

- Honesty in approach towards poverty
- Will to eradicate poverty
- Wisdom to make time bound poverty eradication programs

Unfortunately all three are missing. And till this is missing, nothing will change.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Goal of Nationalism

Why some countries are so successful in being peaceful, harmonious, prosperous and progressive.

Reason is simple to understand:

People of that nation have clear and consistent goal of nationalism. And this has two main factors as core.

 - The Goal : They know that only way is to shed personal ideology, opinions, needs, interests and actions. Untill people merge, harmonize and surrender self to national interest, nothing can be accomplished. My needs, my ways, my thoughts should not come in way of national interest. It is important to be genuinely honest towards national goal and keep self less important than nation.

-  The Path : They have a clear cut path, system, order and constitution which is faithfully followed by everyone top to bottom. No one ever do anything against it. The rules and regulations, the do's and don'ts are well defined and followed. Focus is on consistent action.

The result of this is generation of faith and discipline which causes positivity and motivates people for hard work and creativity. Results are then obvious.

If a nation is deprived of peace, harmony, progress and prosperity then it is not destiny of nation. It is willful, whimsical, selfish thinking and action of its people especially those who claim to be the caretakers and powerful of the nation.

How are we going to create our nation's destiny? Will we start using our brain or continue to be driven by big speeches or senseless media?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reputation at stake

Or may be not because none is left.
What a shame !

Thousands of people have died due to hunger, poverty or lack of sufficient medical care. People are living a miserable life. They do not have proper houses, proper facilities of sanitation, proper education, job opportunities, safety and security.

Why caretakers of the nation, be it politicians, media and other prominent people are silent like deaf and dumb. Where are the intellectuals with their so called intellect? What are NRI’s doing? Various governments be it national or state under all political parties have failed miserably.

What an extraordinary incompetence !

What is reputation of India today?  It is sad to hear views about a nation which has such great history and such huge potential.

Is it sufficient to become a big market?

Probably only nation in the world who is robbed of part of motherland but we are cowardly doing nothing about it.

Look at the world rankings in various index of life today. In all good things we score low and in all bad things we score high. Some commonly used human life indexes are:

Child labor
Child marriage
Crime against children
Crime against women
Freedom economic
Freedom of expression
Freedom of press and media
Freedom social
Human Development Index
Life expectancy
Life satisfaction
Mother and child
Quality of Education
Quality of Healthcare
Quality of Life
Safety and security

It is sad and shameful to see where India stands today in these indexes. But still there is no sense of urgency. Nation is not making sufficient effort. There is no guilt in those who are high up in power and are so called care takers of the nation.

What shameless existence.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Success mantra of a nation

What does a nation need to be successful?

There are few basic elements without which no nation can ever be successful. Development is not a game of statistics or politics. It is always evident on people's face. Today no country can develop in isolation. And equally true that no nation can fake development. This is the age of transparency. Neutral and reputed agencies around the world are watching and indicating where a nation stands. And this is where alarms are ringing. But is India listening?

Nation must honestly analyze the basic elements of nation building. Some are:

1. Faith
2. Discipline
3. Wisdom
4. Hard work

Faith is not just a word related to spirituality. It is the most basic concept of human life, the most basic essence on which life pursue its course. It is equally true for individuals, relationships, families, organizations, nations and entire humanity.

For a nation to be in a healthy state, it is crucial to have strong positive faith in the system which should be in harmony with order of humanity. If this faith is not there, no nation can remain happy and progress. Once people start losing faith, it generates negativity and this becomes a vicious cycle. Exactly this is true for India today. People have lost faith in the system. Be it politics, administration, police, judiciary, education, healthcare, media and others. Result is hopelessness, helplessness, frustration which damages the motivation of constructive living leading to rise in disharmony and crimes.

Why do people lose faith in the system?

It is due to two major reasons.

1. Abuse of power. Whenever just is overruled by power abuse, it leads to loss of faith. It sets in a chain reaction among masses. When those in power indulge in power abuse, corruption, communalism through words and deeds, people lose faith. This is equally true whether they do it themself, protect others aligned to them or even when they stay silent and do nothing although they know what is going on all around them. Making tall claims, big speeches or fake gestures can never uphold faith. Reality remains reality and people respond to reality not fake presentation.

2. Media. Media serves two major purpose in today's world. It is like mirror which is supposed to reflect reality. Secondly it also serves to connect people. It has huge responsibility of nation building on its shoulders. But how often it is found wanting. International ranking of media in India is dismal low. It ranks low in transparency, freedom and accountability. It often contradicts itself. When it pretends as if it is trying to safeguard system but in reality it hides, distorts or impose facts and opinion then people loses faith in media and system.

Expect no success without discipline. If people of a nation do not discipline them self, there can never be any growth. A great country is not great because its people are disciplined by use of power. That kind of greatness is fake and does not last test of time. It is the virtue of self discipline which creates, strengthen and moves the system.

Do people have the ability to use brain, think logically, make wise choices and create a nation based on fairness, justice, positivity, accountability and transparency? People must rise above narrow minded selfishness and work towards common goal of nation building. It is people's choice what kind of atmosphere they wish to create. They must have ability not to accept blindly and to judge sensibly information available in media and make right choices in elections as well as in day to day life. Selfish motives are sure shot route to doom.

Hard Work
In place of putting in hard work to move the system in order, people try short cuts. Manipulation becomes the norms. Somehow my life should be ok, let whatever happens to nation. There is mindset that if I have sufficient wealth, I need not worry about the future, system and nation. The outcome as evident is corruption with disorderly and lethargic system which fails to give desired results.

But remember always. No one can live happily in isolation. No one is rich forever. If nation goes into disorder and people follow undisciplined life preferring corruption over hard work then ultimately entire nation will suffer. Status quo can not be maintained. In no time problems can become huge and go out of hand. In no time big money gets devalued. History has seen bubble burst and that would be disaster for a nation like India. No amount of force or suppression will then help. World is witnessing such unrest in may parts. Big and mighty have suffered and fallen. India with large portion of population already deprived of basic necessities of life can suffer much worse.

Are we serious in nation building or just happy talking about it?