
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Success mantra of a nation

What does a nation need to be successful?

There are few basic elements without which no nation can ever be successful. Development is not a game of statistics or politics. It is always evident on people's face. Today no country can develop in isolation. And equally true that no nation can fake development. This is the age of transparency. Neutral and reputed agencies around the world are watching and indicating where a nation stands. And this is where alarms are ringing. But is India listening?

Nation must honestly analyze the basic elements of nation building. Some are:

1. Faith
2. Discipline
3. Wisdom
4. Hard work

Faith is not just a word related to spirituality. It is the most basic concept of human life, the most basic essence on which life pursue its course. It is equally true for individuals, relationships, families, organizations, nations and entire humanity.

For a nation to be in a healthy state, it is crucial to have strong positive faith in the system which should be in harmony with order of humanity. If this faith is not there, no nation can remain happy and progress. Once people start losing faith, it generates negativity and this becomes a vicious cycle. Exactly this is true for India today. People have lost faith in the system. Be it politics, administration, police, judiciary, education, healthcare, media and others. Result is hopelessness, helplessness, frustration which damages the motivation of constructive living leading to rise in disharmony and crimes.

Why do people lose faith in the system?

It is due to two major reasons.

1. Abuse of power. Whenever just is overruled by power abuse, it leads to loss of faith. It sets in a chain reaction among masses. When those in power indulge in power abuse, corruption, communalism through words and deeds, people lose faith. This is equally true whether they do it themself, protect others aligned to them or even when they stay silent and do nothing although they know what is going on all around them. Making tall claims, big speeches or fake gestures can never uphold faith. Reality remains reality and people respond to reality not fake presentation.

2. Media. Media serves two major purpose in today's world. It is like mirror which is supposed to reflect reality. Secondly it also serves to connect people. It has huge responsibility of nation building on its shoulders. But how often it is found wanting. International ranking of media in India is dismal low. It ranks low in transparency, freedom and accountability. It often contradicts itself. When it pretends as if it is trying to safeguard system but in reality it hides, distorts or impose facts and opinion then people loses faith in media and system.

Expect no success without discipline. If people of a nation do not discipline them self, there can never be any growth. A great country is not great because its people are disciplined by use of power. That kind of greatness is fake and does not last test of time. It is the virtue of self discipline which creates, strengthen and moves the system.

Do people have the ability to use brain, think logically, make wise choices and create a nation based on fairness, justice, positivity, accountability and transparency? People must rise above narrow minded selfishness and work towards common goal of nation building. It is people's choice what kind of atmosphere they wish to create. They must have ability not to accept blindly and to judge sensibly information available in media and make right choices in elections as well as in day to day life. Selfish motives are sure shot route to doom.

Hard Work
In place of putting in hard work to move the system in order, people try short cuts. Manipulation becomes the norms. Somehow my life should be ok, let whatever happens to nation. There is mindset that if I have sufficient wealth, I need not worry about the future, system and nation. The outcome as evident is corruption with disorderly and lethargic system which fails to give desired results.

But remember always. No one can live happily in isolation. No one is rich forever. If nation goes into disorder and people follow undisciplined life preferring corruption over hard work then ultimately entire nation will suffer. Status quo can not be maintained. In no time problems can become huge and go out of hand. In no time big money gets devalued. History has seen bubble burst and that would be disaster for a nation like India. No amount of force or suppression will then help. World is witnessing such unrest in may parts. Big and mighty have suffered and fallen. India with large portion of population already deprived of basic necessities of life can suffer much worse.

Are we serious in nation building or just happy talking about it?