
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Path of Modern India

India is at one crucial point. It has to now decide its path towards future. And this choice has two important elements.

1. Path of System Vs Recklessness

2. Path of Progressiveness Vs Regressiveness

When there is choice of System Vs Recklessness, we need to ask ourself few questions. Most of us talk big about system, law, order, discipline and so on. But in reality we live a whimsical reckless life. We do not honor system and laws. We wish to live as we wish. People say and do things with least concern for society and nation. End result is chaotic nation which is breeding ground for corruption, crimes and disharmony that we see around today. But if we are loyal to nation, we must bow to nation's welfare. We must then get rid of our selfish interest. We must imbibe discipline, honor laws and order. We must understand that the path of recklessness is damaging for nation and damaged nation is bad for all. We must check ourself and others from going on path of recklessness. Compliance with system is in everyone's interest. System must be followed in spirit, speech and deeds.

Nation must also decide. It wish to progress towards a modern developed nation or go regressive. We must develop scientific temperaments. For this it is important to eliminate superstition, fake godmans and desire to be successful through some magical or astrological shortcuts. We must get rid of herd mentality. We must develop ability to think logically and question. We must accept truth based on facts. Good education can play a big role in this and nation must invest heavily in education. Education must promote scientific temperament in students. This can be done by media as well. They too have responsibility of developing scientific and wise temperament in society but many of them do things on contrary. They show programs based on astrology and other superstitions. It is good to be religious but that does not mean that one has to give up scientific temperament to become religious. God and Science are compatible. Religious conservative approach is against both Science and God. Same is the case with language. Every language must be honored and developed but India must use all energy to develop quality english in each and every citizen. We must not forget that we have to move towards a future of Modern India which is developed in all aspects.

India must decide its path towards future :

Regressive and Chaotic


Progressive and Systematic

We must deserve to be No 1 in the world before we desire.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

India against terrorism

India has suffered a lot due to terrorism. And that too when India has always stood for humanity.

Our commitment to universal brotherhood and humanity should not be taken as sign of weakness. India must get committed to Zero Tolerance against terrorism. This has to be forceful and relentless action. Nation must remain on constant alert. We must prepare at all possible levels to make India a safe and secure place. Some of these are:

1.  Efficient Intelligence and surveillance to have accurate and timely information.

2.  Strengthen anti terrorism force to tackle such elements.

3.  Hand over border areas to defense services and use technology to stop infiltration

4.  Fool proof checking at entry points of nation (air / land / sea)

5.  Social security cards to every citizen to keep vigil on suspected elements

6.  Check corruption to avoid slips in security

7.  Improve education, skills and jobs to reduce poverty

8.   Eliminate communal, regional or any other social divide

9.   Eliminate injustice and discrimination from society

10.  Train people for quick and sound response to any such activity

Monday, December 8, 2014

Are we serious about change

Everyone is so concerned about high crime rate like rape. But unfortunately the reaction is always knee jerk. Debates on TV, demonstrations or at the most some quick punishments. But what change this brings about?

It was discussed earlier too. Mere punishment will not stop rapes.

It is not about which political party is in power. It is not about debates on TV. It is not about demonstrations. Then?

It is about - Are we serious?????

As society and as nation - Are we serious to bring about a change?

People can blame government and government can blame society. But this is not going to help. There is no point blaming each other.

When it comes to solving national problems like crimes corruption, communalism, terrorism, poverty, addictions etc, we act and behave in a very immature and short sighted manner. Few debates, few knee jerk reactions and in few days it is status quo.

So the question is - Are we serious about our nation?

Solving national problems requires well thought after planning and full hearted execution till result is achieved. It must involve government, policy makers, investigative agencies, judiciary, media, NGOs, educational institutes and general public. Fight is at many levels. And if we want any success, we all need to contribute. Only collective effort will see us through. And that too after sustained fight in which constant appraisal and reappraisal will be required.

But this requires sincere and committed efforts and for that we need to be serious.

So the question is - Are we serious about our nation? Or we just wish to blame each other.

Are we serious?????

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sound of unity and strength

Terrorist attack again.....

India has seen a number of terrorist attacks. The response of Indian police, Indian Defense Services, Indian establishment and People of India has always remained commendable. Very mature, patient, tolerant and united. Despite bad attacks on India, we have responded unitedly and with responsible position of strength. Let no one take this as sign of weakness or lack of ability.

India has always honored humanity and human values. This is the reason we do not take overtly aggressive posture. We make efforts to uplift peace and try to resolve disputes through discussion. This is something world must note. But at the same we must make necessary sound of unity and strength.

We value humanity and we make all sacrifices for sake of it. Not many countries in this world can take such pride. India has always shown this world the sacred path of peace, love and humanity. Our commitment to humanity is our strength. And we will show that those who follow path of humanity are real strong people. Killing innocent people and attacking to disrupt peace is act of cowards. India will not allow such cowards derail peace and progress of innocent people. India will make a strong response.

India will for sure ultimately win war against evil and terrorism. India will win it for people of India and for entire humanity. We need to immediately take steps:
- Remain united and speak as one
- Develop vigilance
- Upgrade security
- Upgrade technology
- Social security card for all citizens
- Eliminate corruption as it causes weak spots
- Develop system and protocol for swift action by both security and people
- People must learn disaster management so that there is no panic

India is and will remain a land of peace, love and humanity. But this has to its core courage and chivalry. Time has come to rise and defeat evil.