
Monday, December 8, 2014

Are we serious about change

Everyone is so concerned about high crime rate like rape. But unfortunately the reaction is always knee jerk. Debates on TV, demonstrations or at the most some quick punishments. But what change this brings about?

It was discussed earlier too. Mere punishment will not stop rapes.

It is not about which political party is in power. It is not about debates on TV. It is not about demonstrations. Then?

It is about - Are we serious?????

As society and as nation - Are we serious to bring about a change?

People can blame government and government can blame society. But this is not going to help. There is no point blaming each other.

When it comes to solving national problems like crimes corruption, communalism, terrorism, poverty, addictions etc, we act and behave in a very immature and short sighted manner. Few debates, few knee jerk reactions and in few days it is status quo.

So the question is - Are we serious about our nation?

Solving national problems requires well thought after planning and full hearted execution till result is achieved. It must involve government, policy makers, investigative agencies, judiciary, media, NGOs, educational institutes and general public. Fight is at many levels. And if we want any success, we all need to contribute. Only collective effort will see us through. And that too after sustained fight in which constant appraisal and reappraisal will be required.

But this requires sincere and committed efforts and for that we need to be serious.

So the question is - Are we serious about our nation? Or we just wish to blame each other.

Are we serious?????