
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Naxalism must be solved immediately

Situation is extremely sad and dangerous for everyone. There are number of proposals, schemes, plans but the issue remains. There is chaos and confusion in opinion. Some term it equivalent to terrorism and to other extreme there are people who justify it as reaction of oppressed people. Unfortunately the result is violence. This is bad for country. The situation is alarming and it is high time that there should a genuine united effort to actually solve the issue. Some of the steps can be:

-          No excuse for violence or revenge. Everyone must stand firm against violence. Violence in any form against innocents must be condemned. Similarly everyone must stand firm against atrocities against helpless poor people of the region. Peaceful protest against atrocities must be there guided by those who are working towards welfare of the region.
-          No politics on the issue. Let it remain an issue of governance, law and order, development and social justice.
-          Involve everyone in the process specially the representatives of tribal people.
-          Fast track courts must be in place to see speedy justice is done in cases of atrocities. Adopt policy of Zero Tolerance against atrocities done on tribal people.
-          Immediate relief in the form security, food, healthcare to under privileged people of the region
-          Long term development including education and jobs, land reforms, strict laws for protection of tribes and natural resources of the region.

Violence can do no good. We are all people of India and it is our duty to see that no one suffers, neither in atrocities poverty hunger nor in violence of any kind. Everyone in India must come together and support a just and quick solution to the issue. 

We must act quick.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sports Commission

The craze for cricket is not limited to watching the game but has possessed mindset. This is evident by the kind of noise visible on entire media about the game and scandals. It seems as if nothing is important in India apart from cricket. Forget common man, even politicians are occupying positions in cricket. Anything out of proportion is disorder. In fact this is the cause of the kind of scandals cricket has witnessed.

For a healthy mindset, there must be balanced growth of other games and sports. Sufficient attention must be given to hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastic, swimming, athletics even new games like rugby and baseball. Just like human beings look better with all round development, countries look better with all round development in all fields. And why we are not doing that? Are we not capable? What do we lack? Its the - Attitude.

People of India are capable of being the best in the world. The only thing that is stopping is the lack of well organized wholesome growth oriented attitude. This is what we need to quickly work on. We must develop organizations for different games and sports with greater public participation. Other games need sufficient push at this stage to set them rolling.

Sports have the capacity to uplift nation in many ways:
- Promotes unity
- Promotes attitude and spirits
- Promotes health
- Promotes activity capacity

Sports and Recreation Commission
Time has come to recognize sports and recreation as important aspect of life. There should be independent commission for sports and recreation. This commission must be administered only by sports person. Politicians must stay away.

Time to play......

Monday, May 6, 2013

Revolution for the country

Everyone agrees that India has many problems and difficulties. Some of these are :

 Drugs, sexual harassment & rapes, rising crimes, blind religious faith, communalism, terrorism, corruption, poverty, over population, lack of education, inequality and discrimination, poor infrastructure, etc.

Many people are doing good work in solving these problems and making India a better place. But inspite of that the problems remain huge. There are two main reasons why problems remain problems.

- There is lack of united, well planned work.
- Most of the action is against something negative, not for something positive.

India should now move towards a new phase, a new India which is modern, well developed, unified and well organized. India needs a revolution - A positive Revolution which is not against any person or anything but is for a Positive India. And every single person must contribute in it.

A Positive Revolution For -

- A Positive and Dynamic India
- A Modern and Evolved India
- A Prosperous and Resourceful India
- A Developed and Organized India
- A Crime and Corruption Free India
- A United and Peaceful India
- A Clean and Beautiful India
- A Strong and Powerful India

If you want this to happen then ask yourself and others around you -

Are you making any contribution in this Positive Revolution for the New India???
Are we making well organized, systematic, result oriented effort???

If YES then we are on right track. If NO then remember - wishful thinking or mere lip service never produce any result. We are responsible for the poor state of our country.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Learn to deal with neighborhood

Time and again India has suffered from its neighboring countries. Some call it over goodness others call it lack of ability or will to deal with such cases. True that we must have friendly relations with neighbors but at the same time we must see that we are able to protect our dignity. There are few facts which has led to situation today.

1. India has remain and will always remain on path of fairness and justice. It can not behave in unruly manner which others often do.

2. The surrounding countries are sadly unruly. Some call them self great power but try to grab land, some behead soldiers and kill prisoners and feel great achievement in that, some kill own people in the form of genocide and so on.  Humanity, fairness, peaceful coexistence these words are probably alien to them.

3. Our response in such instances is either lacking effectiveness or is emotional outburst.

Time has come that we must stop this. Our tolerance should not be taken for granted. And that will happen if we develop effective response to such incidents so that these are not repeated.

Some steps can be

- These countries must be conveyed that good relations with India are in their own interest as well. They can not continue to misbehave and hurt people of India and get away with that. All these incidents will be remembered and will boomerang on them. The law of natural justice will follow.
- We must develop time bound result oriented effective steps. These should not be mere discussions. These steps should correspond well with the incident to convey right message. These must be graded to make sure that the required result is achieved.
- We must develop strong vigilance and quick counter attack mechanism to make sure that such incidents are not repeated again. 

We must understand, relationship is not one way process. Learn to deal with neighbors.