
Monday, May 6, 2013

Revolution for the country

Everyone agrees that India has many problems and difficulties. Some of these are :

 Drugs, sexual harassment & rapes, rising crimes, blind religious faith, communalism, terrorism, corruption, poverty, over population, lack of education, inequality and discrimination, poor infrastructure, etc.

Many people are doing good work in solving these problems and making India a better place. But inspite of that the problems remain huge. There are two main reasons why problems remain problems.

- There is lack of united, well planned work.
- Most of the action is against something negative, not for something positive.

India should now move towards a new phase, a new India which is modern, well developed, unified and well organized. India needs a revolution - A positive Revolution which is not against any person or anything but is for a Positive India. And every single person must contribute in it.

A Positive Revolution For -

- A Positive and Dynamic India
- A Modern and Evolved India
- A Prosperous and Resourceful India
- A Developed and Organized India
- A Crime and Corruption Free India
- A United and Peaceful India
- A Clean and Beautiful India
- A Strong and Powerful India

If you want this to happen then ask yourself and others around you -

Are you making any contribution in this Positive Revolution for the New India???
Are we making well organized, systematic, result oriented effort???

If YES then we are on right track. If NO then remember - wishful thinking or mere lip service never produce any result. We are responsible for the poor state of our country.