
Monday, July 23, 2018

Save India from Zero Water

Wake up before it is too late.

Day is not far from being too late....

Huge population and poor management is pushing our nation to dangerous state of water scarcity. Sad part is:
- this is self made
- this is totally manageable

But for that we need to think and to do some real effective work. Mere forming policies and raising slogans or running campaigns on TV will not help. Danger is right there and we better do something, now.

First thing to do is to shed callous attitude. Danger is:
- real and has capacity to put nation and citizens life at risk
- approaching fast
- solution will not happen in a short period of time

Water management
Some of the points we all know. But where is the implementation?
- Water must be conserved
- Water should not be wasted
- Rivers and other water bodies must be protected and saved from pollution
- We need more forests and trees
- Global warming must be stopped

Apart from this there is one big solution and is raining from sky.

We must urgently adopt 100% rain water harvesting. It is sad to see a nation facing water crisis on one hand is facing floods and water logging on the other hand. One situation is solution for other situation. Every drop of rain water must be saved. This one step can save us from crisis. Every person must contribute in this. Every house, building, locality must have fool proof rain water harvesting system so that every drop of rain is saved and channelized into ground water which can be used as per need.

And this Rain Water Harvesting can save from water logging during rain that results in huge traffic jams.

We are running out of time. Do it now as no one has ever survived without water.