
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Time to face it

World can not be kept under lock for too long. We need to open otherwise it will kill more by poverty than disease itself

It is time to face it. If it remains under lock for too long, it may lead to unrest and chaos. It would be better to open with guidelines and advisory

- Let business, industry and other work open

- Entertainment fields may remain closed for another 3 months

- Allow only essential gatherings with precautions

- Let precautions be mandatory like masks, sanitization, social distancing etc

- Issue health advisory about seriousness of disease. People can move out at own risk. Staying at home is advisable but not mandatory

- Those at risk should be protected more

- Only serious patients should be admitted in hospital

- Promote online studying and working, digital payments as much as possible

- Promote immunity enhancers like yoga, homeopathy, ayurveda etc

Decision is tough but is necessary for the world