
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Defeating Corona Virus Disease

World is facing this big challenge and so is our nation. We need a well planned strategy to defeat this disease and come out stronger.

Yes, We Can.

Some points to follow

1. Health
Most of the points are well circulated but needs to be systematically followed

- Most important is to find those infected at earliest, isolate them, confirm by test and treat earliest
- Screen people to check spread specially those vulnerable
- Keep spreading vital information
- Lockdown and Social Distancing
- isolate every state city village and locality to prevent spread
- Sanitize places and home including belongings as much possible
- mask where required
- hand washing
- use weaker hand for work
- make and distribute paper gloves or other biodegradable gloves

2. Personal

- Maintain personal hygeine
- Keep immunity good
- Eat healthy diet and keep drinking water
- Exercise regularly including yoga and pranayam
- Take warm drinks and soup
- Make good use of ayurveda and herbs ( giloy, basil, neem etc)
- Make good use of homeopathy and distribute free Influenzinum 1m and Arsenic Album 200
(Dose Influenzinum 1m once a week and Arsenic Album 200 once a day regularly till this disease exist)

In such times herbs and homeopathy are not for replacing main line treatment but should be used as additional support in both prevention and treatment. This will reduce both morbidity and mortality (disease and death). This single step can prove winning factor)

3. Life necessities
As this may be long term battle we need to fight on this front too

- Ensure sufficient supply of grocery, food stuff, milk vegetables, medicines
- Release phone no / whatsapp / app for home delivery of all these stuffs
- Make use of NGO and RWA in this
- Financial help and free distribution of food to daily wage earners and other under privileged section of society
- Home cash delivery by banks even for those who do not have online banking
- Stop all loan EMI till things become normal
- Suspend house rent of all those staying on rent

4. SOS

During such times many people will have peculiar but urgent problem. Many people are living alone or they are in such state who can not look after them self in such lockdown state. There must be some well trained NGO properly sanitized reaching such people and helping them. There should be SOS Phone Number. RWA must also play active role in this.

We can win this battle and we will win.  God Bless India God Bless The World.