
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Let us keep focus on real development

One is great by action and deeds, not by big words.

India is great due to its great civilization, its value system and commitment to humanity and peace. This is to be preserved but this must be done by real work. We must not forget that we still have a long road to travel.

There is a trend of becoming too loud and thumping chest. Defeating others has become sole goal. Unfortunately media is only magnifying this. They themself suffer from this as they are busy in projecting how they defeated others. We can not and must not shy away from real core issues. This is our collective responsibility. We must be humble enough to accept where we are lacking:

Infrastructure: Falling building, broken roads, crumbling bridges should not be part of India any more. Safety of people must be the topmost priority.

Healthcare: Nothing can be more shameful than to see kids die in ICU. Lack of proper hospitals and medical staff damages the root of nation's health. Healthcare must be free for lower and middle income group. Private hospitals may remain to serve higher income group.

Education: Biggest indicator of how nation is growing can be seen by condition of children. Kids getting assaulted or raped in school - is this the way to treat kids? What is the quality of education - are we creating intelligent human beings? Kids are merely memorizing and remain examination bound. There is no focus or time for learning. There is less need of memorizing and more need of application. Unnecessary syllabus must be reduced and children should be given time to learn to apply. Education too must be free for lower and middle income group. Private schools and institutes may remain for higher income group.Education must include following in syllabus:
- Self Care
- Management of emotions and relationships
- Time management
- Decision making
- Problem solving
- Stress management
- Manners and Etiquettes
- Life Skills like banking, basics of money management and investment, medical care, utilizing services like police hospitals and legal service

Crimes: Nation suffers if citizens are unsafe. Prevention of crime must get focus. Self defense and safety rule training must be given to everyone in schools. It should be part of curriculum. Similarly well trained counselors must be there for every kid to make sure their healthy development.

Poverty and Jobs: Poverty can be eliminated only by creating healthy work environment and jobs. Industrialization is entering a new phase or we can say we will witness another industrial revolution with growing robotics. This is both opportunity and challenge. India must catch this bus and at the same time meet challenge of job creation. 

Development is a cooperative work. We all must join hands in development of nation. Mocking and defeating others will not serve any purpose. Raise yourself to higher standards - this is the only way to serve nation. This is the only real nationalism.