
Monday, August 15, 2016

Way to win is energy

We play to play and we also play to win.

But why nation is so loud on medal win and not on ground preparations? Appreciating winners is good but it should not be out of proportion. Why showering money on winners? Why not spend this money on ground preparation and provide grounds and sporting facility to children. 

Many people are feeling sad and frustrated why we are not winning medals. Others are saying no need to feel frustrated, we are playing so that is good.


True there is no point in blaming sportsperson. They are doing their best. We all honor and salute their effort and spirit. If taking part is enough then all is well. But if we need to play and win too then we must sincerely look into what why how of issue.

Some say we are not a sporting nation. Why? Is there something bad in being a sporting nation? Is there any doubt in capacity or ability? What is the reason - policy, infrastructure, facilities, training or lack of talent?

One major difference to note is the difference in energy levels. Players look stressed, tired and unfit. Compare with those winning. They look exuberant with energy.

You do not win when you play to win, you win when you play for excellence. 

Lack of talent can not be the reason. Nature is not partial to bless one nation and not other. One can blame policy, infrastructure, facilities and training. This is factor but this alone can not explain the condition. There are many simple ways to reach high levels of performance.

1. Start early - Catch them young. School is the one simplest way to pick up. Time spent at school must be judiciously utilized. A simple way of doing it is 50% time in academics, general awareness and related topics 25% in culture, music and arts and 25% in sports. This 25% in arts and sports can be flexible to accommodate more time required in individual case. Schools should have basic facility and safety measures to nurture talent. This school time should not become a mere formality but should be well supervised.

2. NTS - There should be National Talent Search in sports. Young kids from across the nation must be identified and nurtured. They should form the pool target of 10 - 15 years of training.

3. Diet - There are many low cost food options which can provide necessary proteins and other body needs.

4. Fitness - The basic element required is fitness. Only muscle building is not sufficient. It should have all elements of strength stamina flexibility endurance and agility. This too can be achieved with low cost options.

5. Yoga - Yoga is not only for fitness. It can help in alignment of mind and body and takes self to excellence.

6. Selection - There must be a body of past sport-persons to look into and make sure only deserving go higher. There should be no corruption or favoritism in selection. There should be one event in which challengers must be allowed to compete first among themselves and then with selected candidates to ensure fair selection.

7. Passion - Let sport become part of being. Families must ensure not to discourage children. More than win or loss it should become way to excellence. It should create joy in life.

When sport will become way of life, energy will speak in excellence and yes, medals too.