
Friday, February 19, 2016

Nationalism is not complicated

Strange that nationalism is being projected as some complicated subject. It is simple.

The moment you think speak and act considering welfare of nation and its people in mind - that is nationalism.

It is possible that for different people have different ways but there can not be any contradiction. Such contradiction will arise only if selfish motive plays underneath. This can explain everything - tolerance & intolerance, freedom of expression, respect for national flag, need for activism and everything.

A common sense question - Why do we need agitation for making a better brighter nation? This is our own nation, our own government and establishment. There can be few problems or deficiencies but for that anarchy is not the solution. We need not fight against each other. We all need to come together to make the system better which can effectively and efficiently work towards welfare of people of the nation. There is a senseless concept of anti establishment. Mere shouting slogans or creating anarchy is not activism. They must ask themselves - Have they done something real for welfare of real needy people? No, then this activism is only serving romanticism, ego satisfaction of their own selfish motive. Establishment is everywhere. Even those who shout slogans against establishment are part of some establishment. They are part of some group or organization or political party. Don't they need order and system in their own group even if their group has some flaws. Chaos is no remedy. Everyone must work towards making system better. Become honest administrators, lawyers, doctors or even join political system to work on making system better. But yes that is tough path and requires strong character, honesty and relentless effort. Oh yes, if looking for easy shortcut then shouting slogans and stopping trains is much easier.

Why should educational institutes become center of politics? Why indulge in politics at the cost of tax payer's money? There is no harm being a thinking intellectual. But prime purpose of student life and educational institutes is education and it should remain so. Herd psychology of any type is not intellectualism. Students can complete education and then if they wish can do social work or political work according to their ideology. But till in institute they must focus on education.

And if universities do not wish police to enter there, then it is the combined responsibility of university administration and students to make sure that no anti nation activity takes place there. Raising anti nation slogans is as bad as act of terrorism. That is not freedom of expression. One can criticize government on policies and ineffectiveness. But one can not raise anti nation slogans. Any person who is honest with nationalism will neither do so or will tolerate anyone else doing so. Remember what one speaks it is the link between thinking process and deeds. So anti nation words and slogans tells about thinking process and deeds. Forget about die hard patriot, even ordinary person can not and should not tolerate anything against nation - thoughts words and deeds. Similarly government and those running the system must be very careful in not doing anything which affects or harm innocent person. Because such acts and incidents raise doubt about the system which is detrimental for nation.They must realize the responsibility they have in maintaining sanctity of the system.

Time has proved that India has adopted the golden middle path. This is good for growth and prosperity on one hand and welfare of all sections of society on other hand. There is nothing wrong with the ideology. Yes we need to work hard and together in improving the system. We need to work to eliminate corruption, poverty, discrimination and other evils. For that we need to join and work with system, not against it.

Nationalism is always relevant and is totally uncomplicated. Question is - Are we honest about it?