
Monday, February 9, 2015

Correct wrongs

Are we becoming immune to wrongs in society?

This is becoming a dangerous trend and much more for a nation like ours. Media is reporting about crimes and those are horrible. They remain as news for few days and gone. We move on as next follows. After Nirbhaya we had demonstrations and even a new law. But what has changed.

Crimes are no less that terrorism. The extent of loss of human life and suffering is no less. 

What is wrong?  Is this due to police or policies or society itself?

Everything and everyone is responsible. It can not be blamed to one thing or agency. But the most disturbing aspect is the kind of apathy shown by society. Either there is no action or at best some piecemeal action. Task is becoming bigger everyday. Helplessness is the universal element.

How can a nation like ours with such brilliant people become so helpless? Why we are so helpless in creating a safe society for people? Why can't everyone including politicians, those in police and judiciary, social activists, teachers and others come together and formulate a comprehensive strategy to tackle crimes universally.

This is not difficult. We need to first get rid of 'not my work or duty' attitude. It is everyone's duty. Everyone must contribute. Secondly we have to get rid of helplessness. This is not big task if we all pool our mind and efforts. We all must come together and formulate a nationwide strategy to combat crimes. We have to now stop and make sure that we do not just 'move on'. No, we should not. We have to stop and say 'not any more'.

And how we can do that:

- Nationwide proactive policies as done in case of terrorism
- Intelligence and Vigilance
- Coordination among agencies
- Social security number and tab on 'doubtfuls' and early reforms
- Better updated laws, policing, courts and judiciary
- Media focus on facts and remedy
- Healthy education in schools with focus on personality development
- Check on media, TV, movies, internet to control obscenity and vulgarity

All that is required is to wake up to challenge and work collectively.