
Sunday, February 2, 2014

How and what should we improve?

Glorious past of great civilization can make us proud but should not blind us from reality of today. Reality stares at us in every city and every village. We as a nation must get alarmed by the state of affairs. Nation has put itself in big mess. Frustration is rising. People are unhappy and they want quick results. Task is enormous. Big words and hot debates will not serve. Not even the blame game. There is loss of trust everywhere. 

We need sincere unanimity on basic elements of nation building. Let no ulterior motive create any false appearance of ‘Yes, We Are Doing It’. Let nation not fool itself anymore. We need to work sincerely towards: 

1.       Spirit of nationalism – Nationalism must not be confused with symbolism, beating chest or shouting loud slogans. Similarly we must not remain limited to past glory.   It is more about our concern what will our intention, thoughts, speech and deeds do to our nation. Always think about making contribution in nation building even though small. All that we need to do is live our life with sincerity, follow rules and regulations, excel in our endeavors and feel the pride in making India a better place. We need to develop our self as good citizens. We need to set higher national goals.

2.       Social harmony – No nation can progress without social harmony. India is a land of diversity and we often face problems due to differences based on region, religion, caste, language, racism, social status, economic status, conservative vs modern etc. We must eliminate evils like casteism, untouchability, huge gap in developmental, social or economic status as well as learn to honor each other’s way of life. We need to develop a tolerant and dynamic progressive society based on Live and Let Live.

3.       Leadership – Unfortunately politics has become a bad word today. And the reason is Politicians are available but Leaders not. Politics should not be about shouting, cursing, blaming, manipulation, power abuse, fighting hard to defeat opponents. Election should not remain limited to putting in one or the other party in power. That will serve nothing. We need leadership which is learned, decent, modern progressive minded, which can develop an efficient system for the country and can carry all sections of nation together. Leader must understand the people of India and their needs be of rural background or big city. A leader must show path by example. 

4.       Economics – It is not a number game. Before a nation desire to be biggest economy of the world, it must see that its people are getting the basic amenities of life or not. Recession can strike anytime. Employment must produce sustainability and opportunity. Wealth should not remain restricted in few hands. 

5.       Media – Media occupies a unique position. It reflects past, present and future. It shows what is going on and in the process also influences. A sincere and impartial media is blessing for any society but media with ulterior motive can damage nation building. They can do maximum damage to nation in their selfish interest. They show mirror to others and their own stories show mirror to them. They show as if they care for nation but no one can hide reality. Do not let money and motive harm society and nation. Those in media can not and should not stay blind towards its impartiality, accountability and responsibility towards nation. People should not blindly accept what they read or see. 

6.       Security and Justice – What can be said if in a country people cry for security, freedom and justice? A complete spectrum of law makers, investigative agencies, police and judiciary are under serious question. Every act of injustice and crime is a blot. Why it should be so difficult to work towards security and justice? Those indulging in crimes are responsible by act of commission and those who are supposed to protect are equally responsible by act of omission. We need to develop effective system involving law makers, investigative agencies, police and judiciary to create a safe nation with sense of security, equality, freedom and justice. 

7.       Healthcare – Too much commercialization has led healthcare to become unaffordable for majority of people. To make it worse there are recommendations of unnecessary investigations and surgeries. Networking to make commissions has turned it into business. This is criminal. We need better regulations to eliminate such evils. Addictions, pollution and adulteration of medicines and food is creating a category of sickness which has no treatment and will never have. 

8.       Education – The very purpose of education that is personality building and skill development stands defeated. It has been reduced to sole purpose of obtaining degree. That is sold at times either in the disguise of Donation College or at times without disguise. How will nation develop if such is the status of education?  Why we can not make more efforts in research? 

9.       Environment – We live in environment but we do not take care of it. We have most polluted cities with polluted water and even polluted food. Nature is abused beyond means. Nation is being converted into a dustbin. We need to bring this higher in our priority to protect nature and work towards cleanliness. Natural resources must be protected as life source.

10.   Sports – A fifth of world population stands nowhere in sports. Sadly not even in National Game. The ugly craze towards cricket has blinded nation towards other sports. And it is not lack of money or talent but lack of sincerity towards nation. A national shame.

One can see clearly that common element of all these is corruption. Such a state is created by vested interest. Why nation has allowed corruption to damage itself through its length and breadth? Is it lack of wisdom by those who use manipulation and corrupt means for selfish interest or lack of wisdom by those who allow nation to go in such a state? 

Turning a blind eye or brushing under the carpet and then feel that things are in order is a national crime. Those in comfortable position can take this position but they are the one’s responsible for suffering of India.  Even so called intellectuals are not able to think coherently, may be because it is not their suffering. How easy it is talk in sophisticated manner when it comes to pain of others. Ask them who are going through it.

People of India must decide. They wish to keep themselves in this state or act wise and timely.