
Monday, November 4, 2013

Light your mind

Diwali is festival of lights. There are big celebrations. People decorate houses with lights, meet near and dear and share happiness. This is going on since ages. But has it made people any better. Festivals should not be rituals. Every festival gives a message to be wiser and create a better life. Light your mind before you light your house. Eliminate the darkness of ignorance, selfishness, dishonesty, hatred and manipulation.

India suffers from two major ills, I more important than we and second Manipulation over fairness. These two evils are like deathless demons, will not die but change form person to person, society to society and from time to time. Till these two are there no celebration is complete.

And for God sake please ban crackers. They only create pollution.

Its time for us to become mature and sensible.